Friday, January 27, 2012

Movie 10

We watched X-Men: First Class this week for my tenth movie. I had wanted to watch it for family movie night, but the kids picked Diary of a Wimpy Kid instead. I enjoyed X-Men much better.

While I can't say I've always read the comic books, I have always been a fan of the X-Men. I've enjoyed the previous movies, and I enjoyed this one. For me, the simple structure of mutants struggling to find their place, while also struggling against each other (Professor X vs. Magneto), provides sufficient conflict to fuel a multitude of stories in this setting.

That's not to say it was perfect. Some of the actors didn't quite fit the parts. I like Kevin Bacon, but he seemed out of place as an evil Nazi doctor. And January Jones, is being busty really a mutant super power? The Wolverine cameo seemed unnecessary, and I was disappointed by the lack of a Stan Lee cameo. And as much as I liked the various aspects of the "how do we treat those different from us" trope, which touched on everything from the Holocaust to Don't Ask Don't Tell, I was disappointed the movie gave into the "token black guy gets killed first" cliche. Granted, it was a "noble" death, defending a fellow recruit. But that seemed to make it all the more disappointing.

But these are relatively minor quibbles. I enjoyed the origin story line. I liked seeing mutants we haven't seen in film before, and those we had seen presented in a new light. With the multitude of characters Marvel has created in this universe, I am amazed there is any character development at all. But what there was I enjoyed.

So that puts me at 10% done for books and 20% done for movies. It has been a good month. My wife assures me the pace will slow down. And she's right, if for no other reason than she is expecting our next child in May. My media consumption time is sure to be curtailed by then.

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