Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Movie 28

Another treat that the older kids found in their Easter baskets last April was money to go to the movies. Actually seeing a movie in the theater is a rare thing for our large family, so this was a special treat, complete with overpriced candy from the snack bar. And while the boys considered saving the money for The Avengers, we ended up going to see The Hunger Games, which we have all read and enjoyed.

My wife had already seen The Hunger Games at a midnight showing on opening day with a group of girlfriends, so she stayed home with the younger kids. So it was a day out for me and the boys. And while we are not in the target audience of teenage girls that seemed to eat up this movie, I think we all enjoyed it.

The casting was very well done, even Woody Harrelson as Haymitch. I had my doubts about him from the previews, but he pulled off the drunk character rather well. And I thought the young actresses cast as the Everdeen girls, as well as Rue, did an excellent job.

The plot didn't stray too far from the book, which is good. Of course it is always disappointing when they have to cut scenes due to the time constraints of a movie, but it was done well in this case. I guess having Suzanne Collins, the author, involved with the screenplay was a good move.

I don't remember what else I specifically enjoyed, but I remember walking out thinking I wanted to watch the sequel right away.

And the boys later went to see The Avengers with family friends while my wife was still in the hospital after giving birth. I guess I'm waiting for that one on DVD.

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