Saturday, March 10, 2012

Movie 22

When I was in college, I lived with my grandparents. One thing I learned about my Grandpa is he liked Westerns like I like Sci Fi. When I had to watch John Ford's The Searchers starring John Wayne for a film class, Grandpa loved it. When he found out I'd never seen High Noon with Gary Cooper, he sat me down and watched it with me. He read Westerns sometimes as well, but these movies are where we connected.

So when the remake of True Grit came out last year, I realized I had never seen the original. I couldn't believe here was a John Wayne Western, a fairly famous one, I'd never watched with Grandpa. Both versions of the movie went on my to-watch list.

This week with my wife and I watched the more recent one. I heard good things about it from coworkers, and I think the Coen brothers are great movie makers, so I was expecting to enjoy it. It was even better than I thought it would be. Even taking into account all the familiar Western trappings: the Indian territory, a US Marshal, a Texas Ranger, a search for justice, rattle snakes, and shootouts. I guess the old Western still has a place in American storytelling.

The cast was fantastic. I've always liked Jeff Bridges, whether it's Tron or Lebowski. And I'm a Matt Damon fan. But I was really impressed with Hailee Steinfeld as the teenager trying to track down her father's killer. It was a good portrayal of girl thrust into responsibility for her family's affairs at a young age. She was great in this role.

I feel I did this a little backwards, watching the remake first. But the library does have a copy of the original, so I'll be checking that out soon. And Grandpa, I'll be thinking of you.

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